
Are Cellphones Officially Safe to Use or What?

Dear Lifehacker,
 I'm reading in the news that there's this study that says there's no link between cellphones and cancer. That's good, right? I feel like I read a new one of these every other week, though. Are cellphones safe now or what?

 Confused by the News

Dear Confused,
 Yes, this latest study—the largest of its kind yet—didn't find any significant link, so headlines all over are declaring "no cancer link" and "cellphones don't increase cancer risk." But it's impossible to prove a negative (like you can't prove there's no invisible unicorn watching you right now), thus the debate rages on. There's still no definitive answer and, as usual, more research is needed. But here's some background for you, plus tips on what you can do.

This latest study, published in BMJ, is an update of a nationwide Danish study that covered more than 350,000 cellphone users. It found no link between owning a cellphone and tumors in the brain or central nervous system, even after over a decade of cellphone ownership. Good news, right?

It's important to note that I said ownership, not use, however; that was one of the study's limitations. It substituted subscriptions for usage. A group of experts from several countries are fiercely criticizing the study now, saying that it's flawed based on the choice of individuals in the control group, such as leaving out corporate users, as well as an increased risk found in eight cases of a very rare type of cancer.

Previous studies on the possible link between cancer and cellphones have been similarly hotly debated and inconclusive. No one study is definitive. Because of this, the best thing we can do is educate ourselves about the facts: there's no consistent link proven yet, but cellphones do emit radiofrequency energy. The National Cancer Institute has a good fact sheet on cellphone cancer risk explaining the key points and current studies, as well as guidelines for the "better safe than sorry" measures you can take:
Use a hands-free kit
Don't use your cellphone for long periods of time near your head

Sometimes, the back and forth findings (with experts arguing amongst themselves) can be more confusing than helpful, but, still, the more research that is done, the better. We're sure there will be more studies to read about in the future and take with a grain of salt. Photo by Ed Yourdon.


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